''Chhota Bheem'' is an Indian animated comedy-adventure series. First premiered in 2008 on Pogo TV, it focuses on adventures of a boy named Bheem & his friends in fictional city-state of Dholakpur. In this series Bheem & his friends are usually involved in protecting king Indravarma of Dholakpur to save the city-state from various evil forces. Sometimes they are seen helping other Kingdoms as well. It is one of the popular animated series in India which is loved by all people. The series Chotta Bheem was created by Rajiv Chilaka, CEO of Green Gold Animation. Raj Viswanadha, Arun Shendurnikar, Nidhi Anand, Shridisha Dilip have written stories. As of today more than 300 episodes,25 movies have been released and aired. ==Plot== The extremely strong Chhota Bheem lives in a fictional town called Dholakpur set in rural India. The series revolves around Bheem, a nine-year-old boy, who is brave, strong and intelligent.〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=10 Life Lessons to Learn from Chhota Bheem )〕 Bheem's rival is Kalia Pehalwan, a jealous ten -year-old bully, who is envious of Bheem's popularity. Kalia, along with his sidekicks Dholu and Bholu, always plot to embarrass and defeat Bheem but never succeed. The story revolves around Bheem and his friends and their rivalry with Kalia and his friends. All the children of Dholakpur look up to Bheem, as he solves everyone's problems. He is also seen defeating some enemies in and around Dholakpur like the evil demon Kirmada, Kichak & Mangal Singh. Bheem earns the trust of Dholakpur and Raja Indravarma.The stories of Bheem project him as a hero of Dholakpur.He saves Dholakpur and the world by having a laddoo with a cocktail of courage and gravity defying stunts.It's title track whose music is based on flute tune is very popular.The notes for the flute tune was given by Raj Mohan Sinha.His notes were also used in many of Chhota Bheem movies. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Chhota Bheem」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク